Під час проекту ми будемо з вами відстежувати зміни та виконувати різні цікаві завдання згідно плану проекту.
Використайте час перебування вдома для спостережень за змінами, які відбуваються в природі у березні місяці. Ви можете записувати показники температури на вулиці протягом дня, фіксувати погодні явища, фотографувати щодня вид за вікном, малювати пейзажі.
Для батьків:
Dear Parents and Families,
Our class is very happy to participate in “the Same Day in March project”!
Our class will collect data of the temperatures and compare with other classes around the world.
Our class will also have access to a spreadsheet and we will record our data on each day. Moreover, we will have the opportunity to connect with other classes through Skype to discuss data, weather patterns and compare and contrast weather in their country, region or community during the month of March.
Global connections and learning prepare your children to become citizens of the world. They connect with other students, learn about other cultures and life around the world. Global connections prepare your kids for the future.
The Same Day in March project will give your kids the opportunity to learn and understand everything about weather. It is true that weather is different all over the world, and the way people respond to the weather in their area is different all over the world, too, even on the same day. Students will understand that the world can be very different than where they are!
If you want to learn more about the Same Day in March please visit the website https://onthesameday.wordpress.com/ or feel free to contact me. Finally, encourage your kids to visit the website and the section “For Students” as they can watch videos, play games and learn more about the weather and climate.
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